Ms. Tessa Trimm
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
We strive for excellence daily in the classroom. Our students are served by our well-trained and energized faculty, many of whom are alumni of the CSD. The Columbia School District was one of the first school districts in the state to develop a “1:1” technology initiative, allowing every student a device. We currently have 39 members of the ACT 29+ Club for students who have scored 29 or higher, and the list is growing. We have students who have qualified as National Merit Finalists and National Merit Commendations. CHS has received statewide recognition for AP Female Participation. Our newly established Broadcast Journalism Class has won numerous state-wide awards in its first year. We were named in the Top Ten Schools for graduation rate in the State of Mississippi. Foreign Languages are offered from Middle School through High School. The CSD Challenge program offers gifted classes from 2nd Grade through 6th Grade. All four campuses offer the 21st Century Community Learning Centers X-Stream After-School Enrichment Program with a wide-range of experiential education opportunities for our students. We have recently initiated an Intersession Program where students are offered enrichment and remediation opportunities.